Welcome to SCAMIT!

SCAMIT List 14th Edition is available

Thanks to the persistent and painstaking efforts of Senior Editors Don Cadien, Kelvin Barwick, and Brent Haggin, and Contributing Taxonomists B. Ferraro, B. Haggin, C. Paquette, D. Cadien, D. Pasko, E. Oderlin, G. Lyon, J. Loan, J. Smolenski, K. Barwick, K. Beauchamp, L. Harris, L. Kuhnz, L. Lovell, M. Lilly, M. Nydam, R. Martinez, T. Phillips, T. Turner, V. Rodriguez-Villanueva, W. Enright, and Z. Scott, the SCAMIT List 14th Edition (2023) is now completed and available online.

Publication Grants

Planning a taxonomic publication? SCAMIT can help! SCAMIT has a Taxonomic Publication Grants program that can help defray material costs of publication. Please feel free to apply!

Donate to SCAMIT

Help support the mission of SCAMIT by donating today! SCAMIT is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your donation is tax deductible.

Upcoming SCAMIT Meetings

Monday 7 October 2024 9:30–4:00
Arthropod Discussion via Zoom

Lead: Andrew Davenport

Monday 18 November 2024 9:30–4:00
Polychaetes: Polynoidae at Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts and via Zoom

Leads: Erin Oderlin and Brent Haggin

Tuesday 10 December 2024 9:30–2:00
Annual All Members Meeting at Southern California Coastal Water Research Project

Lead: Brent Haggin

Questions? Contact: Leslie Harris at lharris@nhm.org or Brent Haggin at BHaggin@lacsd.org.

Upcoming Meetings of Interest

None currently listed.

Job Openings

None currently listed.


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Delonovolva aequalis

Thanks to the scanning efforts of Rick Rowe and the Orange County Sanitation District, and PDF processing by Cheryl Brantley, our collection of SCAMIT newsletters is complete. You're welcome to visit the latest newsletter, as well as journey into the past.